My fifth theme debate on behalf of GroenLinks in the city council of Zwolle was a theme debate on municipal services and resident engagement. Together with my colleague Marloes we prepared the debate, I was responsible for a limited number of subjects subjects: (in Dutch):
- Jaarverslag bezwaarschriftenbehandeling 2022
- Verslag Klachtenbehandeling 2022
- Ontwikkelingen jaarwisseling 2022-2023
- Toilet aan de Potgietersingel
- Voorgestelde wijze van afdoening motie minimumloon 14,- voor iedereen die (indirect) voor de gemeente werkt
Since talk time was limited to six minutes per political party, of course choices had to be made on what to talk about. You can watch the debate (in Dutch) below, or read my statement (in English) below the video.
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