The first formal questions (called art. 45 questions) I asked on behalf of GroenLinks, together with CDA are about possible problems with identification documents in Zwolle. One of my colleagues got questions from citizens about their passports. These citizens were told by the border guards that their passports (supplied by the municipality of Zwolle) did not meet quality standards and that the municipality should not have approved them. This together with an Article on and a letter from Secretary of State Van Huffelen prompted the following questions.
Third Theme debate: Fireworks, understandable language in policy making and no more Russian Gas
My third theme debate on behalf of GroenLinks in the city council of Zwolle was a theme debate on municipal services and resident engagement. I was responsible for all subjects: (in Dutch):
- Plan van aanpak: Verbeterslag kwaliteit van de stukken voor het bestuur (2022-2025)
- Voortgangsrapportage Dienstverlening 2021
- Beantwoording art. 45 vragen VVD – Wachttijden aanvraag reisdocumenten
- Motie 13-6 Een bos door de bomen zien (voorgestelde wijze van afdoening)
- Contract gaslevering gemeente Zwolle
- Rioolwateronderzoek naar drugs(gebruik) in Zwolle 2022
- Beantwoording art. 45 vragen van GroenLinks en CDA – identiteitsdocumenten
- Voorgestelde wijze van afdoening van motie “Carnivoor geef het door”
- Voorgestelde wijze afdoening motie ‘Op weg naar een gezonde en veilige jaarwisseling’
Since talk time was limited to six minutes per political party, of course choices had to be made on what to talk about. You can watch the debate (in Dutch) below, or read my statement (in English) below the video.
Continue readingDebate round: citizen’s council
For this debate I had to replace my colleague Marloes because the proposal at hand was initiated by the city council (specifically GroenLinks and D66) and Marloes had to take on the role of the proposer, answering questions of the city council. Initiating something in this way is possible under Article 147a of the Gemeentewet and Article 47 of the Reglement van orde van het Raadsplein 2018. This proposal was originally drafted by Simone Boshove (GroenLinks) and Sonja Paauw (D66).
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