Running an air quality sensor for

On MCH2022 I attended a talk about Sensor.Community a Global Open Environmental Data Platform. The platform is a nice example of citizen science, with a large network of self made sensors that measure air quality, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and if you build an extra fancy one, also sound pollution. Since it’s a nice project with clear instructions (Dutch, English), I ordered the parts when I still was at MCH2022.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that I found the time to build the actual sensor. Assembly was super easy and this is definitely an nice project for beginners, with minimal soldering required.

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Second theme debate: Improvements in the rules surrounding benefits and the entrepreneurs hit hardest by the pandemic

My second debate on behalf of GroenLinks in the city council of Zwolle was a theme debate on economy and leisure activities. Together with my colleague Margriet we divided the subjects. I was responsible for the following subjects: (in Dutch):

  • Urban Sportpark Stadshagen
  • Ondernemerspeiling Q1 2022
  • Kostendelers en inkomensbeleid
  • Beantwoording artikel 45 vragen CDA Gevolgen stijgende energieprijzen voor verenigingen
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First theme debate: Russian Gas, Coffeeshop supply chains and using technology for more efficiency in the social domain

My first real debate on behalf of GroenLinks in the city council of Zwolle was a theme debate on municipal services and resident engagement. Together with my colleague Marloes we divided the subjects. I was responsible for the following subjects (in Dutch):

  • Toezichtbeeld 2021 – Interbestuurlijk toezicht
  • Lopend contract en nieuw contract gaslevering aan gemeente Zwolle
  • Mogelijkheid tonen interesse aan deelname experiment gesloten coffeeshopketen.
  • Deelname City deal ‘Slim Maatwerk’
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