Motion passed: Trial period living together while retaining certainties (like housing or benefits)

During the Second theme debate: Improvements in the rules surrounding benefits and the entrepreneurs hit hardest by the pandemic we (together with the PvdA) asked for more information about why the alderman wanted to wait for a trial in Tilburg before changing local policy concerning cohabitation without affecting someone’s benefits in Zwolle.

The alderman sent the following information (in Dutch) a few days later:

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Second theme debate: Improvements in the rules surrounding benefits and the entrepreneurs hit hardest by the pandemic

My second debate on behalf of GroenLinks in the city council of Zwolle was a theme debate on economy and leisure activities. Together with my colleague Margriet we divided the subjects. I was responsible for the following subjects: (in Dutch):

  • Urban Sportpark Stadshagen
  • Ondernemerspeiling Q1 2022
  • Kostendelers en inkomensbeleid
  • Beantwoording artikel 45 vragen CDA Gevolgen stijgende energieprijzen voor verenigingen
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First theme debate: Russian Gas, Coffeeshop supply chains and using technology for more efficiency in the social domain

My first real debate on behalf of GroenLinks in the city council of Zwolle was a theme debate on municipal services and resident engagement. Together with my colleague Marloes we divided the subjects. I was responsible for the following subjects (in Dutch):

  • Toezichtbeeld 2021 – Interbestuurlijk toezicht
  • Lopend contract en nieuw contract gaslevering aan gemeente Zwolle
  • Mogelijkheid tonen interesse aan deelname experiment gesloten coffeeshopketen.
  • Deelname City deal ‘Slim Maatwerk’
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